Friday, February 5, 2010

Why Does My Dog Drag Her Back Legs My Dog Who Is About 11 Years Old, Suddenly Started Dragging Her Back Legs. What Does This Mean?

My dog who is about 11 years old, suddenly started dragging her back legs. what does this mean? - why does my dog drag her back legs

It is as if his legs were weak again, or he has forgotten how to use them. It just pulls and has difficulty getting up and fixed. She has to eat much and started to bleed toenail pull his foot. Is it because of age or a certain type of disease?


doc's wife said...

Your pet needs a vet ASAP to see
I worry about a problem of the brain or spinal cord, both can be serious, but the sooner you get your pet is, the more options you have, can

kelannde said...

You can attack or a stroke that had caused him to lose function.

You can have your back or outside on the furniture directly harmed.

You have to bring him to the vet - this is not normal behavior for a dog and you end up with an infection or worse.

Dances With Woofs! said...

Typically, this means that the dog has a problem with the spine.You him to the vet to bring, and in the meantime, put a pair of socks in the back and feet with duct tape in which her no wounds them.She mix can create a K-9th

Mikal S said...

Your dog needs a vet to see! immediately. When you've had the last time some "hot sausage dog?" No, really need to be a veterinarian, is common for older dogs. I know it has something to do with them again .. ...

Pink Teacup Pachyderm! said...

it needs to be a vet .. It may be hip dysplasia, Perthes Law, dislocated joints, herniated disk, etc.

2Westies said...

He refused, on what it could be that it would take to a vet who might be in pain speculate.

temecula... said...

My dog does the same
with arthritis, which is common in dogs
this may be the same for you

Solomon Y said...

depends.what what kind of dog?

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