Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sweet Semen Sweet Semen?

Sweet Semen? - sweet semen

A biology teacher, discussed the high blood sugar levels, which in human sperm.
A student raises his hand and said: "Glucose is the sugar. Why doesn` t taste sweet?
The laughter in the class, and the child notices what `s said, his face turns bright red, and she gathered her books and starts to miss class.
Since it `s out the door, the professor said:" doesn `t taste too sweet because the taste buds for sweetness on the tip of the tongue, not in the throat."


a-and-a said...

It is really good, I had to read twice to get the full meaning. It was not an "arbitrary" between the sugar and why, perhaps, but at the beginning of the sentence: --

"But it is the sugar glucose in the rough, then why doesn` t it sweet?

RoChEr said...


: D

Oh My God! said...

and funny

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